Effects of Coffee on My Family’s Recycling Efforts



Shot at my house during the afternoon

Coffee has always been a staple of my family. My father has drunk a cup of coffee every morning since I can remember, my mom drinks it before school, and my grandmother drinks it when tea is not available. My dad made me my first coffee when I was a child (decaf, of course; I was already a zany kid, and my dad’s patience had its limits). To this day, in appropriate amounts, it has a comforting effect on me despite the energy boost.

Recently, my dad has begun filling used glass lemonade and tea bottles with coffee and creamer that he then refrigerates. As stated above, both my mom and I drink coffee, so we sometimes buy bottled cold coffee. We both prefer it because it is easier to transport and drink on the fly. Using these glass refill bottles in place of those has reduced the amount of containers we accumulate from other products.

He has also started using large plastic containers from Costco-bought products to hold his coffee grounds.

My grandma takes the used coffee grounds and uses them as fertilizer for our plants.

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